Last summer at the NAESP conference in Spokane, I sat in on a session titled BOOM! Time for a Disrupt Admin Session! I have been attending national conferences for the last seven years and this was the largest attendance for a session I had ever observed. Hundreds of principals in one room to learn how to lead better! The premise was that principals shared innovative practices at their schools focused on wellness, Genius Hour, literacy, the power of play and #NOofficedays! Each principal had five minutes to present and then the whole crowd would yell BOOM! and the next principal would come up on stage and present. Principals in the room appreciated the opportunity to hear about innovative practices and there was a lot of buzz in the room about the great ideas and how they would swipe them and adapt them to their school!
Guess what? We are going to have our own BOOM! session, but doing it MEMSPA style! This year’s Spotlight on Innovation 3.0 event held during the exhibit hall time on Thursday, December 5 from noon-2:30pm features TENTALKS! We have a line-up of 14 principals so far who will be sharing innovative practices at their schools and each of them will have ten minutes to share. Topics range from OMO-Outdoor Movement Opportunities, Hall of Heroes, Student-Led EDCamps, Genius Hour meets School Improvement, Project Based Learning, Place-Based Education, Therapy Dogs, and positive student recognition just to name a few! Intrigued, aren’t you? You too will have an opportunity to share your own innovative practice during our Talk-Show style ½ hour led by Allyson Appsey and Mike Domagalski! As in past years, Jason Gribble will be facilitating our Makerspace giving principals the opportunity to play with some of the latest technology tools! Just sayin’ that you will have to open your eyes and look up!
At a MEMSPA Summer Institute session I facilitated, I received feedback from a principal that I shouldn’t use the word steal! This principal said, “Derek, educators are gardeners, we don’t steal, we harvest!” Thus, our adaptation of TEDTALKS IdeasWorthSharing to TENTALKS InnovationsWorthHarvesting! Join Mike Domagalski and Allyson Appsey as they host this year’s Spotlight on Innovation 3.0 event TENTALKS, held on Thursday, December 5 in the Exhibit Hallway from Noon-2:30pm! TENTALKS will provide Innovations Worth Harvesting!!